API v8 - DeprecatedInterfacesAPIGuildIntegrationApplicationVersion: 0.37.26On this pageAPIGuildIntegrationApplication https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/guild#integration-application-object@deprecatedAPI and gateway v8 are deprecated and the types will not receive further updates, please update to v10.Index PropertiesbotdescriptioniconidnamesummaryProperties optionalbotbot?: APIUserThe bot associated with this applicationSee https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/user#user-objectdescriptiondescription: stringThe description of the appiconicon: null | stringThe icon hash of the appSee https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#image-formattingidid: stringThe id of the appnamename: stringThe name of the appsummarysummary: The summary of the app@deprecatedAlways an empty string, will be removed in v11
API and gateway v8 are deprecated and the types will not receive further updates, please update to v10.