API v6 - DeprecatedEnumerationsEmbedTypeVersion: 0.37.26On this pageEmbedType https://discord.com/developers/docs/resources/channel#embed-object-embed-types@deprecatedEmbed types should be considered deprecated and might be removed in a future API version@deprecatedAPI and Gateway v6 are deprecated and the types will not receive further updates, please update to v8.Index Enumeration MembersArticleGifVImageLinkRichVideoEnumeration Members ArticleArticle: article = "article"GifVGifV: gifv = "gifv"ImageImage: image = "image"LinkLink: link = "link"RichRich: rich = "rich"VideoVideo: video = "video"
Embed types should be considered deprecated and might be removed in a future API version
API and Gateway v6 are deprecated and the types will not receive further updates, please update to v8.